
Showing posts from February, 2015

Second Feature Team: Start screen

Second feature team consist of a programer, a designer and an animator, witch was me. our job was to create a start screen for when the game started. I made the visuals, which consists of the background and separate buttons that are interactable, except the title screen, by the programer. my first attempt, what you see above, did not have the right font and it was hard to read. So I made the changes in no time.

Playing d&d Again

 My second round round of character creation he still sucks but their are a lot more in there than before.

It Time To Bash

Super Jerks, are team name that comprised of four people had to come up with ideals for a table top game. We already agreed on what game we were going to make before midterm we had other good idea but I believe the scope was to high. We choose smash bros concept called Bash (working title) because we all like super smash bro.

Leveling Your Character

before we can start on making the mod we have to be sure that we understand the basics. since the other campaign didn't do any combat scenario and my campaign never got a chance level up so that is what we focus I focus on. Just understanding the changes that has to be made when leveling up. What new skills and or spells your character received.

D&D Module

hello internet today we have to pitch mod ideas to the class and we choose one to make for the remainder of the semester. it was many good ideas on the table from an 1800s Paris style mod to an full metal alchemist style mod. but the one we chose was one that introduces a new race and class that has an space science fiction influence to it called children of the corn, no just kidding, its called children of the stars (working),

D&D Combat Scenarios

Just to save on time in the class were we went over some combat scenarios. the creatures we face was rats, killer rats. Fairly easy opponents but I know it was to get noobs like me familiar with combat system of D&D. what confused me about the combat system was the casting of spells, how many spells i used at once in combat.

Animating The Pixles

Next step is animating the sprites. just like cartoons you animate in frames and it plays back like a flip book. I was lucky and founded a great reference to go by. No major impediments now, maybe future ones when it comes time to do attack animations.

Second Attempt At Pixel Art

Once again hello, as part of the feature team i have to make a rough sprite of the conquistador sword. My teammate had an reference image above I had to simplify it because it a low res sprite.

Making Our Own Tabletop

Now that mid terms are over and understanding the relationship between the aesthetics and the many  games given by the teacher. my class mates and I are tasked with creating are own table top game from scratch. 

My Character Fails

I am too drunk to go on quest , ill just sleep it off. Remember when I said that I couldn't go on quest because I was drunk? Well look like I had too many drinks after looking for my item and have to sleep it off till later in the campaign when I finally wake up with an headache, Dice gods are not on my side in this campaign.

Playing Munchkin

Munchkin card game The last game that we are playing is Munchkin the card game. my understanding of aesthetics in these card games is getting clearer. I found 4 core aesthetics for this game; fellowship, fantasy, expression and challenge. In fellowship if the player can’t defeat the monster the in front of them, then the player is face with a choice. They can attempt to escaped but will lose some progress if it fails or the player can asked other players to help. Fantasy to be able to be somebody else from the race to class. In expression in each player hand has at least one class or race card in their hand with a few weapon and or armor cards to equip your character. Challenge a singular method of play that creates pleasure from overcoming the obstacles in front of you.

Extra Credits: Demo Daze

Since my instructor told me about these extra credits videos it been very insightful to know more about game industry. This particular video caught my attention because in my small world demos was one dimensional. In the video they described many ways of demoing or giving early access to them. 

First Attempt At Pixel Art

What we have right here is my first attempt at doing pixel art. it's a 32 x 64 pixel sprite with six color palette. what I could have done to save more time was to draw out a high res sketch of the enemy and scaled it down to intended res sprite so it would become pixelated.

First Feature Team Enemy Types Concepts

Feature Teams To start off sprint 1 after user stories and their acceptance criteria are done the product owner and scrum master forms feature teams. Feature teams are teams that consist of the different specialties takes on one of the features. This cut out the hand off method that doesn't work well with software development. Then in those teams the lead break down the acceptance criteria into special task for every member. In my feature team it consists of designer in two animators. here are some drawings from the designer.

Pokemon; the Best Game Aesthetically?

Today we have to chose the best game in the "World" aesthetically. We felt as a group that Pokemon would fit that criteria. we wrote our top 10 favorite games and pick a game that we've all played which was Pokemon.

Playing Gloom

Gloom Gloom is a game that we played. it was supposed to have sad feel to it were the players get family cards and in order to win you have to kill your family faster that the other players. Crazy right! You get modifier cards that have different effects some negative, as an positive for the player and positive which can cost you the game. The character portraits do a great job of lending personality to the characters, the borders in the cards maintain the Gothic feel very well and the clear cards work as intended, allowing you to see the underlying cards even after many have been added.

Getting The Art Pipeline Ready

the art pipeline consist of how we get art assets into the build as well as solidify the art bible. At the beginning of the sprint 0 deciding whats going to be in the art bible was tough giving the fact that we had a small art team with little to no experience in 2d art. After that establishing the art bible toward the end of the sprint we have to figure out how it get tested so it can be but in the build.

Starting a D&D Campaign

After the character creation campaigning and exploration starts. The dungeon master, (DM) carries out the stories allowing for quest to happen among the players. Our campaign consist of me loosing an item and me attempting looking for it while the other players get ready to go on a quest. lucky for me i had a chance to go on the quest with the other players.

Testing Communication Piplines

In sprint 0 your team usually have three weeks to get test and fix any communication issues. our team is cloud based communication which means we can communicate through online platforms like Google communities and hangouts in case we can't meet in person.

Playing Small World

Small World Today we played small world, a board game that sold over 500,000 copies. From the title of the game “Small World” that you get a feeling that you have little space with a lot of people occupying your space. When we played the game the rules was confusing. we the manual should have shown more images describing the different scenarios.

Intro To D&D Character Creation

Today we are putting together our characters for a campaign. This is my first time playing d&d so it was like a kid in candy store. i have to admit I cheated a little bit, I used some character creator in class in filled in the stats and info. I picked my own race and class and used the numbers from the randomize. Bottom image is my first character sheet. Character sheet 5E

Sprint 0 Check List

Sprint 0 to my understanding is testing and preparation phase of the agile development cycle. This is when your team eliminate any pipeline problems such as communication and version control.

MDA (Mechanics, Dynamics, Aesthetics)

While still trying to understand the aesthetics in detail a classmate sent me a link to the official MDA study from scholars as part of the Game Design and Tuning Workshop at the Game Developers Conference, San Jose 2001-2004. What I got from the article was the different types of aesthetics and what mechanics drive these aesthetics.

Extra Credits: Aesthetics of Play

This video really helped understand the different aesthetics of video games. I used to think that aesthetics was just something you see visually. The video explains that game don't have to be one dimensional. you can have a game like portal which has the first person style like COD but have a strategy style game tetris.  

Playing Card Hunter

Card Hunter Card Hunter is an online game it feels like D&D and a little dragon age on the single player campaign aspect of it. going on different quest like D&D and dragon age have a mythical, medieval feel from the playing board to the character the movement of the game pieces feels like D&D. The environment can change the outcome of the game by effecting the movement of the player.


Mega-Man Sprites Hello again and I welcome you to more great adventures into game development. since our game is 2D sprite creation is the technique the art team will use. Our first step was to determine how big the character sprites will be, if its going to be vector base or pixel base.