
Showing posts from September, 2015

Sprint One Ends

My feature is done and I am moving today. I guess I will wait for another feature show up, but that wasn't the case. today is the end of sprint 1 time to start sprint 2. Since my feature was the only feature to make it into the build, other features will have to roll over in the next sprint. after poker planning we decided new feature teams, I had to leave early to move so I wasn't around to pick a feature which left me with nothing to do.

40k v fantasy battlefield

While watching a lizardmen match on YouTube I ve notice the difference from fantasy and the 40k universe. First their phases are different they have dnd style as for different checks and encounters were it more story than 40k.

Level design

This is my second go at level design and its in warhammer40k and I thought dungeons and dragons was hard. We have a pretty small team which would have workload on us but think we're up to the task.

First Feature Team: Character Customization

In my first feature team which had representative from every meta team working together to get a feature done. As part of agile the dev are supposed to pick a feature ourselves instead of having someone choose one for you. My feature was character customization, this is where the player chose their armor and weapon. in my feature there were a designer and programer. The designer come up with the layout the programmer gives feedback on it as well as the art guy which is me. Then we deliberate on ideas until we came up with a layout that is player friendly. As part of my task for that feature I had to make placeholder UI icons for weapons, armor and none. Here are the images:


Today we give out pitches for a warhammer mod. Were were supposed to come up with race difference from warhammer univers or a race from the fantasy edition of warhammer and give it new lore and new mechanics.  I didn't have anything to pitch because i was still getting the fill for the game. but the idea my peers had was great ideas, from a race with amazon women to candy race but one race beat all, Lizardmen.

Jumping the gun a little

After deciding the technical requirements for art we started to concept for the art bible because in the past we've had a hard time with constructing a art bible. by doing this we misunderstood what sprint0 was. we started deving without testing the pipelines in engine. What I learn from that experience and still learning is sprint0 and what sprint0 means. just for fun here are some concepts I came up with for characters.

Final week of Warhammer40k 101

This is our final week of learning Warhammer40k we had to come up with 1500pts army. in the armies we had to have fliers which are how they sound, "They Fly." the tyranids the army I was a part of had fliers called harpies. To my knowledged fliers can move in the movement phase up to 10".

Setting up the art pipeline

In sprint 0 were as meta teams are supposed to get pipelines established. since we're doing a 3d game we have to come up with system that will get assets in the build without any problems. We came up with tech requirements document to help with formatting assets so the team can be on the same page. In that doc we mention unit scale, poly count and file types. as a whole we put this document in the art bible as well.

Wreck-uisition project

In the idea we chose was an arena action shooter with a background story to it. This was one of my choices for the ideas because of the familiarity. I am familiar with arena shooters like SMITE and recently Archeblade. the story is that magic and technology has fused together and different factions are fighting each other to gather its resources.

Welcome to Capstone

Hello fellow gamers, my name is Dmerro and welcome back to my journey in game development. In this course, like the last semester course we began development on a game for two semesters instead of one. On the first day those who have ideas for games have to give a pitch to the class explaining their ideas. After all the pitches are done the class chose the best game idea. From past courses my way of selecting an idea based off my realistic ability and how much is a challenged. what i mean by realistic ability that prior knowledge coming into the project.

A Crash Course in Warhammer 40k week 2

In the second week we had to create 1000 pt tyranid army we didn't use my army that I created but it was my first time making a list. HQ HIVE TYRANT - 180 Points 1/old adversary  Trop GENESTEALER BROOD - 255 Points 15/toxin sacs TYRANID WARRIOR BROOD - 99 Points 3/toxin sac HORMAGAUNT BROOD - 80 Points 10/toxin sac TERMAGANT BROOD - 60 Points 10/toxin sac RIPPER SWARM BROOD - 76 Points 3/toxin sac Heavy Support TRYGON PRIME - 240 Point 1/Prehensile pincer total 990 I came pretty close to a 1000 pt list. I had to do the list a second time because I forgot to add the ponits from the special abilities chose.