After finishing my level playtesting it out in vassal, which is a great program but hard to use if you don't fully understand the game, I asked the my team to take a look at them. from the feedback I ve got was telling me to do more research and understand the game. A lot of things in my scenarios did not make sense as far as the other rules the was in the rule book. So what I did was go back at different battle reports on youtube as well as watch tutorials on how to play Warhammer and read the rule book. what I learn from the videos is that i do well at understanding things better by someone showing me how to do something rather then reading a book.
hello internet today we have to pitch mod ideas to the class and we choose one to make for the remainder of the semester. it was many good ideas on the table from an 1800s Paris style mod to an full metal alchemist style mod. but the one we chose was one that introduces a new race and class that has an space science fiction influence to it called children of the corn, no just kidding, its called children of the stars (working),
This week we played Catan, table top game how the board looks and puts you in a pacific place in time. T he cards can play a factor for the feel of the card game building relationship with the other players by trading or not trading. T he changes or choices of the game the trading of resources and the placing of the game pieces using the resources to make your settlements or roads outcome of the dice roll can change the feel of the game.
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